GCC Blog
GCC Blog
Grace City’s English classes in Dee Why have just wound up again for another year. Like everyone else we had to find new depths of ingenuity to keep the classes going this year, drawing on our students’ own flexibility and resilience to help the classes thrive. We had about 7 months of Zoom lessons with students committed to a weekly internet gathering to improve their English. Thankfully we were able to return to live lessons in the last term and it was a great joy to actually be able to meet up in the same space to finish the year.
Apart from our wonderful volunteers in Dee Why we were also ably supported by Cris Barbosa running on-line beginners classes for us all the way from Brazil! A very big thank you to our volunteers who have made these English classes possible.
We look forward to our new classes beginning early Feb 2021. Keep an eye out for dates and times coming soon!