GCC Blog
GCC Blog
I'm sure that you have been horrified at the death of George Floyd and the terrible racism that we are seeing in America at this time. The challenge for us though is not to just point at America, shake our heads at Donald Trump and say how terrible the looting is, but to recognise that this ungodly injustice exists in our own country and perhaps in our own hearts at times.
You don't need to look very hard to see racism in our neighbourhoods and our nation. Sadly, being down at Foodcare each week, I have witnessed the ongoing and real racism evident on our doorstep in Dee Why. Personally, coming originally from South Africa, I have had to check my own heart in this area and let God undo attitudes that I didn't even realise I had, despite the fact that I hated the racism I saw and had worked actively for reconciliation. I have also seen the huge damage caused by complacency and silence in a nation.
Australia today is a wonderfully multiracial society and is made up of immigrants that have moved here over hundreds of years, yet racism abounds, not only against the country's first inhabitants but also against the many different immigrants that live here. Last week was National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week here in Australia but does that mean anything to most of us?
There is no place for racism in God's kingdom. Jesus died on the cross to deal with our sin and to remove every barrier. Ephesians tells us that 'he (Jesus) himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility… that he might create in himself 'one new man.' We stand equally before God, so let's start acting like it!
What can we personally do then? Here are a few suggestions:
Please also be praying for a breakthrough in our nation, for America and particularly for American churches to be a shining light of love at this time.
As God's people, his representatives here in Australia, let's lead the way in getting rid of racism and let's show love to all cultures and ethnic groups that we have the joy of living alongside.