GCC Blog
GCC Blog
I washed my hair today. I wore lipstick. I even wore earrings, after weeks of my only accessory being my ever-increasing regrowth. To finish off my look, I unapologetically and somewhat over-enthusiastically threw my leather jacket over my shoulders as I brazenly waltzed out of the house. I had somewhere to be! Now it might have merely been the flu vaccination…but it still counted. I was leaving the house! What a thrill!
After all, leaving the house for human interaction — be it medically masked complete with a needle — calls for a sartorial celebration! Because despite its challenges, in 2020, many of us are beyond blessed to choose what we can literally, and metaphorically clothe ourselves in. Truth be told, I've always had a tendency to overdress. If an invitation leaves the dress code open to interpretation, I will always err on the side of heels. And any excuse will do compared to the seasonal staples of elasticised waistbands and day-old t-shirts trending today. However, my extra effort got me wondering why; in light of this desire to dress up no matter the occasion, do we often let our spiritual wardrobe imperceptibly slip in comparison to our physical one?
Proverbs 31 speaks of a woman of virtue as being, "clothed in strength and dignity; she laughs at the days to come" (NIV).
These words have presided on a bookshelf, watching over all three of our girls in their cots as they dreamt, cried, played and grew. It's been my constant prayer from the moment I knew I was carrying them. However, one which, if I'm honest, I have not been as diligent at praying recently over them… or myself.
Actually, The Heather Translation over the last few weeks would more likely have read; "She is clothed in impatience and sarcasm, she cries over her pinot gris at the days to come" (THT).
Ever so slightly less aspirational…
Strength, resilience, capability, endurance, boldness accessorised with dignity, honour, respect and self-worth. Who — male or female, young or old, fashion-conscious or otherwise — wouldn't want to be dressed from head to toe by such a Designer?
If, like me, you've come to realise you've all too often been settling for drab trends, passé blah or bland mediocrity; I challenge you today to go to the bold, power suit, and glorious majesty of that self-assured little black dress hanging in your wardrobe arsenal. The kind of strength and dignity that can only come from knowing who you are, and whose you are.
Top tips for nailing Timeless Spiritual Style:
Clothe yourself, wrap yourself, surround yourself, arm yourself with thoughts, actions, people, influences and desires that display the glorious truth that you are created in the image of the true and living God. And I believe an authentically joyous readiness will mark our anticipation of the present days we find ourselves in, along with the days to come.
Lookin' good x