GCC Blog
GCC Blog
One of my dearest friends loves rainy weather and isn't put off by grey skies. I'm pretty confident she is in the minority. In truth, I suspect that inclement weather reminds her of early days growing up in the UK!
For the rest of us, more than one day of grey can leave us feeling a bit gloomy. Back in the days when we used to be able to fly, it was always a special moment for me when the aeroplane broke through the cloud cover, reminding me that the sun was still shining above.
Setting our hopes and affections on Jesus in worship, despite the greyness of circumstances at times, allows us to break through the clouds. We begin to soar in heavenly places and are reminded again that the Son has never ceased to shine. We then begin to remember that our destiny is to shine like stars (Philippians 2:15).
The broader context of that passage from Philippians is helpful.
"Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil his good purpose.
Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, "children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation." Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.
And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labour in vain. But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. So you too should be glad and rejoice with me." Philippians 2:12-18
I don't know about you, but that pesky little verse 14 in the middle is massively challenging.
Do everything without grumbling or arguing.
If you ever doubt that this stuff is important from God's perspective, you only have to look to another New Testament passage like 1 Corinthians 10:10-12 to see how unimpressed He is with grumbling.
I'm not a theologian, but I suspect that the heart of this 'grumbling' issue is faith, or the lack of it. God has made it abundantly clear that without faith, it is impossible to please him (Hebrews 11:6).
When we bring our worship to God, it becomes a tangle expression of faith, even in the midst of doubt and difficulty, that we are trusting that God is sufficient to see us through anything.
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9
I am inviting you to join us again this Sunday evening for our next live stream worship event. This is an opportunity to be 'glad and rejoice'. What will you be bringing to Jesus?
We'd love you to comment, share a prayer, a word of encouragement, or request a song. Use whatever gift God has given you to worship Him and at the same time to bless your brothers and sisters in Christ.
I have really enjoyed hearing the stories of how the last two events have drawn people into worship along with us.
We need you, and you need us, and we all need more of Jesus! Amen!