church at home

here are some ideas for parents to do church at home

  • Read the Bible together as a family. Kids get a turn to read aloud too!
  • Lead a family devotion time. 
  • Have a worship dance party. Put on praise music or use kids worship songs on YouTube.
  • Parents can lead a Bible craft with their kids. 
  • Plan a Christian family movie time (marathon style) – There are lots of great family movies on Netflix but if you want to pay a small amount (99c I think) then I love the BIBLE series. It’s on Amazon Prime, just add popcorn! Watch a kid’s Christian program. 
  • Parents can lead a full “children’s church” service. Do a game, sing worship songs, learn a Bible story, and then have some fun activities.
  • Let kids plan & lead a “kid’s church service” for their parents in the audience role.
  • Learn a memory verse together.
  • Act out Bible story skits as a family.
  • Go for a prayer walk at home or in a local park or forest. Have kids pray aloud giving God thanks while naming all the beautiful things they see.